Always Be Innovating

Hey guys, Jenkins here.

Did you know that at LWR we’re committed to constant research and product development? We also live by my personal motto: Always be innovating!

It really is true that our team never stops innovating. We are passionate about what we do and driven to offer livestock farmers state of the art manure treatment technology that is cost effective, efficient, and user-friendly!

We have come a long way since our first system was first launched in 2011. Over the past 7 years we have learned a ton about manure. Our team has spent countless hours running the equipment, analyzing the data (courtesy of me, of course!) and listening to feedback from the producers who are actually using the system. By combining all the complaints, kudos and recommendations we have been able to exponentially improve almost every aspect of the LWR System. We’ve taken some stuff out, made a lot of things better and have even found ways to give farmers more control over their nutrients than they’ve ever had before. In fact, we’ve made so many improvements that we needed to give the LWR System a brand-new name!

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you the LWR2 (pronounced LWRsquared)!


The upgrades to this next generation system include:

  • Drier solids
  • Greater control
  • Reduced capital costs
  • 20% smaller footprint
  • Reduced cleaning cycles
  • Fully automated for reduced labor cost
  • Improved membrane technology to reduce fouling
  • Lower cost of consumables than ever before!

I’m sure you’re thinking that with all of these advancements we’ve had to raise the price. But guess what? We didn’t! And we’re even offering 15% off during World Dairy Expo!

If you happen to be at the show this week, be sure to come by and say hi so I can tell you all about it!


Sometimes the best there is can also be the best there ever was! 

I’ve just spent the week in Madison at World Dairy Expo and I can tell you that there is simply no better place in the world to check out the latest and greatest in dairy technology and innovation. While we still have one more day to check out all of the vendors, I wanted to take a minute to tell you about one in particular. Sometimes, the best there is can also be the best there ever was…

LWR’s team of manure treatment experts scours the globe finding the absolute best when it comes to complementary technology to offer our clients. Every now and then I will be highlighting some of that technology on this blog, and today I want to tell you why we stand behind FAN Separators as the #1 screw press on the market when it comes to LWR fertilizer solids.

FAN Separators were the pioneers in separation technology and were the very first to bring the screw press to market. After working with a number of other providers, our product development team has unanimously agreed that there is no better press on the market to handle nutrient loaded materials. Not only does the FAN Separator produce the highest dry matter solids, but it pushes more product through quicker.

With an intricate service network, FAN Bauer ‎is committed to offering their clients outstanding customer service. They are the #1 in their field, and the only screw press recommended by yours truly when it comes to manure sludge.

You’ll find them here at World Dairy Expo in the Exhibition Hall (booth 1115).

Tell ’em JENKINS sent you!